Flourless Chocolate Brownies

These wonderfully moist, fudgey flourless chocolate brownies are gluten-free, but are so delicious for everyone, and make a perfect pudding served with crème fraiche.

flourless chocolate brownie

Flourless Chocolate Brownies

Serves 12 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 25-30 mins |



  • 225g dark chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa solids
  • 225g butter
  • 2 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 200g golden caster sugar
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 150g ground almonds
  • 100g chopped walnuts


  1. Preheat your oven to 170˚C/150˚C fan/ gas mark 3 and grease and line a 24cm square baking or brownie tin.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a heavy based saucepan along with the butter. Once melted, take off the heat and add the vanilla extract and sugar and allow to cool for a few minutes (otherwise you will have scrambled eggs).
  3. Next add the beaten eggs, ground almonds and chopped walnuts and beat until fully combined.
  4. Pour into your prepared tin and bake in the oven for 25-30 mins. The brownie should be set on top but still gooey underneath. Allow to cool a little if before cutting and serving straight away as a warm pudding. Or, allow to cool a little, cut into squares and store in an airtight container in the fridge – not that they will stay there very long!

* We served ours with crème fraiche and a fresh grating of Cacao but of course these would be great with icecream and a few berries would work well too.
* If you don’t want to use walnuts you cold use pecans, cherries or chocolate chips for that extra chocolate boost!