Discover how many animals you could save by going vegan with the Veganalyser!

Ever wondered what kind of impact you might have if you went vegan? Or the difference you have already made since going vegan? Well, wonder no more with The Vegan Society’s new and improved Veganalyser


The Veganalyser is an innovative, interactive online programme which satisfies that curiosity – with answers! It tells you how many animals you would save if you went vegan today or, if you’re already vegan, how many you have already saved.

Thanks to feedback from the initial launch, The Vegan Society have updated the Veganalyser’s ‘Already vegan?’ pathway to reflect the fact that vegans who were previously vegetarians or pescatarians save as many animals as meat eaters who go vegan. This is because the original version did not reflect the fact that vegetarians have already saved X amount of animals by not eating meat.

The ‘What difference will you make if you go vegan today?’ pathway reflects your current diet: if you are vegetarian, the number of animals you will save by going vegan will not include the animals you are currently saving by being vegetarian. It will only reflect the additional number of animals you save by going vegan.

Sure it’s not 100% accurate – nothing is! – but it’s a great thought provoking tool that is useful for encouraging those who are considering ditching the animal products to see just how many lives can be saved.


It’s international: select your region of the world, and your age. If you’re not yet vegan, you also select whether you are vegetarian, pescetarian or omnivore. Then move the slider up to the age of 120 – after all, vegans live longer! – to see how many animals you would save in your lifetime.

All statistics come from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, and provide a minimum estimate for the number of animals. 

What are you waiting for? Try it for free now by heading to Then share the results with your friends on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Tumblr.