What is the process of creating gluten-free beer?

What is the process of creating gluten-free beer?

Q What is the process of creating gluten-free beer? The brewing process for 6X Gold started in our pilot micro-brewery where we trialled different versions of the recipe. We conducted multiple taste tests and decided on the best recipe, which gave the hoppy, refreshing ale we were after. We didn’t want to compromise on flavour so […]

Detox: Ultimate fad or cleansing fact?

Detox: Ultimate fad or cleansing fact?

Charlotte Willis discusses the pros and cons of taking on a detox… Digestion. The long-winded, complex, chemistry-based biochemical 24-hour process that we all inherently undergo day after day, year after year without conscious effort. The absorption of our food and drink (which ultimately provides us with energy and nourishment) is a progressive multi-stage process not […]

7 benefits of daily workouts

7 benefits of daily workouts

Exercise plays a great role in making you stay healthy. There are several health problems you can easily avoid if you develop a habit of carrying out exercise on a daily routine. People who work out on a regular basis are known to stay fit. Your physical appearance and self-esteem will rise if you start […]

Ask the experts… What are the potential repercussions of eating gluten when living with coeliac disease?

Q What are the potential repercussions of eating gluten when living with coeliac disease? It can be devastating to be told you’ll never eat gluten again. Upon hearing this, most coeliacs go through the recognised 5 stages of grief: Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance  The first four stages leave coeliacs vulnerable to eating gluten again. This could be: Pretending you don’t […]

Ask the experts… Can cutting out dairy help with my Eczema?

Q. Can cutting out dairy help with my Eczema?  Eczema is a non-infectious, inflammatory skin condition. It often comes in bouts, with genetic predisposition, environmental allergens, temperature, stress and food all possible aggravates. Nutritionists agree that there’s a potential link between consumption of dairy products and skin conditions. This doesn’t mean that everyone with eczema has […]